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How to say 'I was hopping mad' in Irish

useful phrases

You probably already know how to say 'I was angry' in Irish: 'Bhí fearg orm'.

What about if you're way beyond're hopping mad!

Here are three great expressions in Irish that you can use in any such situation.


Bhí mé le ceangal

'Ceangal' is the Irish for 'tie'; and 'le ceangal' means 'to tie'. In order words, I was fit to be tied; I was so angry that I needed to be tied down so I wouldn't do anything crazy!


Bhí mé ar mire

'Mire' is the Irish word for 'frenzy' and 'ar mire' means being in a frenzied state.

If someone or something has driven you mad you could say:

Chuir sé ar mire mé! / It drove me mad (lit. it put me into a frenzy)


Chaill mé an cloigeann

This is the exact same as the English expression 'to lose the head'. There is another, ever more informal expression like this:

Chaill mé an bloc / I lost the block


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