How to say 'mind your own business' in Irish
Watch the clip above for some great ways to tell someone to mind their own business in Irish! Click on the cogwheel at the bottom of the video to slow the speed down and read on for some more information about each of these very useful expressions to know in the Irish language.
Tabhair aire do do ghnóthaí féin
If you watch the Irish language soap opera, Ros na Rún, I guarantee that if you pay attention you will hear someone saying 'tabhair aire do do ghnóthaí féin', telling someone to mind their own business!
Notice that the Irish for 'mind' is 'tabhair aire do'. This literally means 'give care to'.
You might already know that 'gnó' is the Irish for 'business', When telling someone to mind their own business it is the plural form of this word gnóthaí that is commonly used; lit. mind your own businesses!
Listen carefully to this phrase on the clip above and you'll notice that 'gn' sounds more like 'gr'! This is a distinguishing feature of spoken Connacht Irish: the 'n' in words beginning with 'gn' or 'cn' sounds more like 'r'.
Here are a few more examples:
A hill / cnoc : this is pronounced 'croc'! If you're familiar with Galway city listen to how the area of Knocknacarra / Cnoc na Cathrach (the hill of the city) is pronounced by a Connacht Irish speaker - it will sound more like 'croc na cathrach'!
A bone / cnámh : pronounced 'crámh'
Business / gnó : pronounced 'gró'
Typical, everyday / gnáth : pronounced 'gráth'
The ordinary person, the man on the street / an gnáthdhuine
Coinnigh do ladar amach as
In English we tell someone to stop sticking their oar in!
'Ladar' is the Irish for 'ladle' so think of someone sticking their ladle into your pot of soup! You wouldn't be too happy!
Stay out of it / Coinnigh do ladar amach as (lit. keep your ladle out of it).
Ná bí chomh fiosrach
This little expression is also useful : don't be so curious!
Notice how simple it is to make a command negative in Irish - simply put the word 'ná' before the positive command.
Do it now / Déan anois é
Don't do it / Ná déan é
Ní bhaineann sé leat
This is really an essential phrase to know in Irish, and it's very commonly used. The equivalent in English would be 'it's got nothing to do with you'.
The verb 'bain' is one of those verbs that can have multiple meanings. When 'bain' is used with the preposition 'le' then the meaning is 'relates to'.
It's got nothing to do with you / Ní bhaineann sé leat (lit. it's doesn't relate to you).
Irish language courses
If you want to learn the beautiful Irish language (or Irish Gaelic as it is sometimes called outside of Ireland) then make sure to check out my Irish language courses. I offer Irish language courses online for all levels - from beginner to advanced. If you'd like to set yourself a goal for your learning check out my TEG A2 preparatory course. For more intermediate or more advanced learners check out the Learn Irish Through Literature and Learn Irish Through Poetry courses. Choose between self-study and live options, with full support from me for both options.