Tips, tricks and resources to help you easily learn Irish

This Blog has easy grammar tips, proverbs and useful phrases to help you learn to speak Irish

Tå mé ag treabhadh liom

‘Ag treabhadh’ means ‘ploughing’ and is used in lots of expressions in the Irish language to talk ab...

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Learn Irish with Father Ted

Father Ted
.surely one of the best comedies ever!

If you have never seen it then it’s time to get f...

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Ní féidir leis an ngobadån an då thrå a fhreastal

If you want to say in Irish that you just can’t do everything, or be everywhere, at once then you mi...

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Beidh lĂĄ eile ag an bPaorach

Living to fight another day!

This is a very common expression to hear in Irish. It is said to someo...

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