Tips, tricks and resources to help you easily learn Irish

This Blog has easy grammar tips, proverbs and useful phrases to help you learn to speak Irish

Oíche Fhéile Eoin / St. John's Eve

Do you remember this poem from your schooldays? It has a feeling of summer about it, doesn't it? Ima...

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How to say 'I did it' in Irish

If you get to the top of a mountain, or achieve a goal that you have set yourself, you will need to ...

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What is the Irish for 'hawthorn'?

Do you know your plants in Irish?

Watch the short clip above and listen to how five of the most com...

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What is the Irish for 'dog'?

If you're learning Irish then 'madra' is usually the first word for 'dog' that you will come across....

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Saol an mhadra bhĂĄin

Do you know someone who enjoys a life of leisure?

Maybe it’s yourself?!

Here is a useful phrase in...

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7 of the best curses in Irish!

It's all very well knowing how to make polite conversation about the weather in Irish; but for some ...

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Learn Irish with Mrs. Doyle

Learn all about feminine nouns in Irish in this short video. This is the second video in a two part ...

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Good podcasts for learning Irish

Listening to podcasts is one of the best ways to learn Irish, and the good news is that there are pl...

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Is fearr an tslĂĄinte nĂĄ na tĂĄinte

The equivalent expression of ‘your health is your wealth’ in the Irish language is ‘is fearr an tslá...

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